Today I saw love with my own eyes

Today I have seen love. The camera has been tucked in for months. The weather was nice and I thought I would take a photo of a friend dancing in a carnival today. Unfortunately I overslept and only caught the last bit of it. Little did I know I was about to experience 110 % love and positive energy. I might have missed the carnival but went on to a green spot behind the university library, still left untouched by building contractors. To my delight I found half our small town of 200 000 also had the same idea. There was food (no alcohol) from every corner of town, people was sitting in the grass or dancing to various types of live music being played. From dancehall, reggaeton to  a 16 human strong horns orchestra playing music from the Balkans, Turkey and songs in Arabic and Romani. Also old Swedish folk instruments, salsa, samba, Afar music, a reggae hip hop band bringing conscious loving tunes and so on …

As the day went on I got so caught up in the positive energy and love around me I thought I was going to explode. Joy and love filled my entire being until it came out as water from my eyes. I tapped into an energy greater than life and found out that I am after all a patriot; a proud global patriot.

To anyone who does not like what they see, I love you too, we love you! Our hearts are big enough for that, our love is endless…

Please click thumbnails for a larger view and slideshow

All this was made for the public free of charge by hard volunteer work of many many small and big hands and hearts.

Lead by one human who deserves some credit, so:

Thank you for filling our lives with love